Sunday, June 1, 2008

Light the darkness

My job is a dark place with little light. There are few Christians who work there. I try my best to stay away from gossip and backstabbing and the other kinds of sin that are prevalent, but lately I have been swept up with it. I dissapointed God, myself and hurt my witness. I do not confess this to you all,because I have already confessed to the Lord. That is the first, most important step after sinning. It feels like every battle I win against sin there is a battle I have lost. It reminds of the verse

1 Peter 5:8
Your adversary the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

It also made me realize that the American church fails in being open about their sin. Sin would be a lot less prevalent if we were honest to our brothers and sisters.

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